February 6, 2011

Alternative/Indie - Media Boneheads

I want to come clean and admit to a problem. I suffer from an advanced form of “Auto Cringing”. It stems mostly from lower level, or downright dubious media types who do their absolute damnedest to pigeon-hole bands. I can see talking to a friend and saying something along the lines of “hey, have you heard that band Fitz and the Tantrums? Kind of a Philly, blues, soul, rock thing”. Throw in Motown, that's cool. The friend gets a quick read. Off they go, yea or nay, up to them.

Hey Media (loosely used), is it really necessary to blather on about a reincarnation of Darryl Hall? The new version of Darryl? Darryl 2010/2011? Darryl 2.0? The influence is heavy? Blah blah blah. Basic examples. And you can insert any artist you desire. Darryl is no doubt groovy, but this ain't Darryl kids. Get over it! I fully grasp influence thank you very much. I don't' need a golden “E” ticket for riding another tentacle of the monster marketing machine. Life=Influence=24/7.

So Media Monkey's, how about worrying about what's in front of you. Do that justice. Dig a little and use what's under your locks of hair to come up with questions not already asked a thousand bloody times. Please, show an effort that shows you care.

I observed a noticeable difference in band members personalities when they were interviewed by those who have confidence, through proper preparation and understand the subject of which they speak. If a few simple (should be automatic), things like that make for a more relaxed, fun, better quality interview, well?

Transparently thin Media Monkey's not really paying attention during an interview crack me up. It's as if their robotic alter ego takes over. Monotone voice: “My name is Chip, I have 10 questions to ask you. Since you know them by heart, please continue, I'll get a coffee”. Probably indulging in text messages and tweets.

I've managed to suck air, walk in the upright position Neanderthal style, and holy shit, even managed to learn how to count and eat with my digits. I am quite capable of regulating my life and making up my own mind as to whether I like or dislike what's in front of me at any given time.

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