August 14, 2011

Michael Scott - The Office

Recently I decided to begin watching “The Office” while partaking in medical marijuana. Yes, it is a valid use of the green. For both medicine and entertainment. Anyway, I had not seen the show prior to the feverish pace I set inputting episodes to record to DVR. God damn was I in for a surprise! Ou wee baby! Somewhat mind blowing as it were.

As I watched various episodes, it became evident that I was witnessing something highly unusual. Something that when looking back, I surely wouldn't have believed could happen. This unusual occurrence was mystery wrapped in an enigma....Michael Scott! A psychological nightmare!

The character Michael Scott played by Steve Carell brings forth a festival of bizarre emotions. To this point in life, I never felt consistently uncomfortable while perusing an acting performance. Jesus H man, Michael Scott is one screwed up dude! And Steve Carell plays him magnificently. Just brilliantly.

As I mentioned, it was evident that I was witnessing something unusual as the episodes passed by. What unfolded before me was quite a special treat. For this specific type character, Steve Carells interpretation of Michael Scott is one of the finest acting performances that I have had the pleasure to indulge. That face, that delivery, that seamless improvising. Priceless!

The Office carries impact because there are soooooooooo many crappy TV programs bloating the airwaves. Hey, Bloatgrams! I'm not counting reality TV either. In truth, good writing has indeed become a “lost art” in television. For that matter, may as well add quality as a “lost art”.

It's rather startling that I can feel consistently uncomfortable while Michael Scott lands in one outlandish situation after another. It is great fun though. And now that Steve Carell has moved past The Office and on to other endeavors, I am very much looking forward to what will become of the other characters and which Actor will rise to the top. I see no reason for this show to drop much. The remaining cast/writing is pretty damn strong. The James Spader character at the end of last season was a bloody hoot! Talk about written/improvised for his wheelhouse! The Great Bamboozler!

It's been an enjoyable and entertaining summer so far. Wherever you are right now Steve Carell I am sending you some thank you dust buddy. Did you feel it? In all seriousness, you rocked the Boob-Tube Bro! That's what she said!

1 comment:

  1. Good post, I agree whole heartedly with your comments! I had only seen an episode here and there of the show during it's first six seasons...I just couldn't seem to get into it. Then this spring I heard about the finale with all the guest stars and decided to watch a couple of eps prior to the end one. Steve was already gone but I really liked the other characters; it just took a couple of shows to get to know them. Since then I have gone back and have watched 75 episodes. Steve Carell IS brilliant in the role. I totally love this show!

    After watching the seventh season finale I am really looking forward to season eight. James Spader was fabulous as Robert California; I can't wait to see how the writers incorporate this character into the show and how the other characters react to him. Spader is a very interesting actor, so this should be fun!
